Saturday, December 11, 2004

When It Rains ...

So, it's been grey, gloomy and wet all week here in Baltimore. Yesterday had to be the highlight of the week for me though. I've been sick all week fighting a really nasty cold, my back has been killing me again ( a problem I thought I had taken care of), things with planning the CD release and promoting have been going hellishly slow and I realized with a jolt just how behind I am, and then on my way home from work there was an open hole in the ground that wasn't covered as it had been all week - no cones or construction signs or anything - and I ran right into it! I got a flat immediately and Lord only knows what damage it did to the underside of my car. That's just fucking great. As if I have money to go take care of this now! To make it worse, the bozos they sent out to fix my flat last night were a couple of bumbling idiots who didn't know what the hell they were doing! My car fell off the jack three times! How hard it it to change a tire??? Had my back not been hurting so bad and my nose not been running a marathon, or if I could even BREATHE though my nose for that matter, I'd have done it myself. Now, that would have been priceless. AND to make it all worse, the "boy" still has not called me. I don't get it ... one day he's calls me, like clockwork, and says he'll call the next day at noon ... and then that's the last I hear from him. He won't return my calls or anything. Now it's been ten days since he called last and twenty since I saw him last. What the hell is wrong with people? It's a simple fucking courtesy. Pick up the phone and say, "hey, I don't want to talk to u no mo'." Guess he's just a coward.

I hope the sun starts shining next week, I hope I get over this cold and I hope my back stops hurting. When I was a kid I used to hope that people would stop hating and killing each other, but I gave up on that long ago. Just wasted prayers.

"When all else is dim, I can still feel the music, my heartbeat ..."


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